Hi guys! First off, I just want to say thank you so much for all the support and feedback on my previous post! It means the world to me and I truly hope that in the long run, it can help someone.

Coming into the seasons of cosy blankets, fuzzy pyjamas and warm drinks, to me there is nothing more important than having somewhere that you can let yourself completely relax. To be able to take the time to unwind and let go of the long day or work or school – or just daily life – is something that I find crucial. Otherwise, we would all just burn out and that isn’t good for our physical or mental health.

Today, I want to talk about my tips for turning your bedroom into a safe haven, into somewhere where you feel most at home. Nowadays, the phrase ‘safe place’ has been mocked and ridiculed but I do think it is important to have that space.


Fill it with your favourite scents.

I am a complete and utter scent nerd. Not only that, but I am also candle obsessed. It is a struggle for me to go a week without buying a new candle and my god, you will have to leave me for hours to smell them all when I’m shopping. A bit much, I know. With 4 candles and 2 room sprays in my bedroom alone, I am obsessed with keeping my room smelling good at all times. I think it’s quite important because if you can relate these certain smells to relaxation, then as soon as you enter the room, your mind and body will calm down – even if it’s just a little.

For me, coming into the new seasons, I am all about the spicy and sweet scents – think ‘pumpkin pie’ and ‘apple and cinnamon’. Candles are a personal favourite of mine, as they can warm up the room and make it all cosy. However, if candles aren’t an option for you, try a reed diffuser by your window, or a nice room spray.



A tip that I think people can perceive to be quite expensive, however, if it’s done the right way, it doesn’t have to be that way at all. It’s easy to be sucked into jealousy and all that when we see influencers (or even people you know in real life) with these incredible houses, with outstanding interior design and expensive accessories. I am most definitely guilty of turning into a little green-eyed monster myself.

However – leave the jealousy and take this as inspiration. What is it you love about their living room/bedroom/kitchen/bathroom? Is it the accessories, the whole theme of the room? Take some time to do some research and find some cheaper alternatives that they may have. Want a Jo Malone candle as a centrepiece? Both Aldi and Dunnes Stores have incredible dupes that are only €4/5 as opposed to the latter’s €52. Are you drooling over the bedding you saw in that one Instagram post? You’d be surprised where you can find some affordable dupes – Penney’s, Home Store & More etc.


Avoid doing any work-related things in your room.

A seriously important one that I’ve only really taken on myself this college year. Ditch the work emails and all that college reading you have to do. If you want your room to be a ‘safe haven’, then let the tension of the day be locked outside. Do not let yourself leave a textbook on your bed or anything of the sorts. You must let your head only relate your room to sleep and to get ready – not of the stress of the previous day or the next.


Keep it clean!

Trust me, I am WELL aware of how tough this one can be, especially if you’re out of the house during the day and just don’t have the time to keep it tidy. You quickly get dressed in the morning, leaving a hurricane of clothes behind you and suddenly that all piles up until your room is a pig sty. Seriously though, it can be one of the most helpful tips. As long as your room is clean, your mind is just that little bit more clear – and I truly believe that.

Take the time at either the morning or evening – after you get out of bed or as you’re about to go to sleep – and reset. The concept is to take 10/15 minutes to make your bed, hang up those clean clothes, put away your makeup bits, bring your washing downstairs etc. If you take these few minutes to do this, you won’t find yourself doing a huge tidy at the weekend – which will more than likely cut into time for study or to relax.

So those are my tips for making your bedroom a safe haven! Do you have any tips for making your room the ideal place to relax?

Hope you are well,

Peace out,

Ciara x

10 Comments Add yours

  1. I love filling my room with my favourite scents! I find it so comforting!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. heycicigirl says:

      yes, so true! thank you for commenting x


  2. Love these little tips! There’s nothing I enjoy more than turning on my fairy lights, snuggling up in one of my many blankets and enjoying a candle! Cannot stand when my room is messy, stresses me out! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am a sucker for lighting loads of candles in my room! 😍

    Bukola Veronica,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. karasclosetblog says:

    These are all really good, practical tips! I’ve become obsessed with burning candles recently and they really do make a space feel better. And I really need to get better at taking time each day to tidy my room. Having a cozy space you feel comfortable in is so important, so thank you for these ideas!

    x Kara |


    1. heycicigirl says:

      My apologies for the delay in my response, but first off, thank you for commenting! and yes, candles are the absolute dream – I honestly need to get through all of mine first before I can even think about buying any more, LOL! Xx


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